Testimonials for the work of Ingrid Margarita
"Ingrid has a way to tap into the field of all the people present in the journey and say exactly that what one needs to hear. For me personally one of the meaningful comments (just one of many!) was this: She said "walk consciously connecting yourself with an energetic point above your head and beneath your feet." For me this translates to my taurus field and the access point to my higher self, which I sometimes forget about.
While doing what Ingrid invited us to do, I realized that when I am in a group I always feel as though I can't connect fully to nature, or my own core or inner 'universe', as though I have to go out of my own way, or be alone to feel really connected. As though I am protecting a part of myself, not fully opening up. While doing this, immersed in the breathtaking beauty of the path leading to Lissos, I could experience so much more of my surroundings, and look through the veils of perception straight into what is true: the abundant interconnectedness that is always present between all living beings, realities. I could laugh at myself for the way I have been creating separation. This is just one little pearl I found that day. Ingrid has a way to facilitate that feels so 'homy' and free, like a holiday and a profound session and drifting in timelessness all at once. She has some beautiful exercises to assist ones presence and awareness and to help see yourself with new eyes. Because she is walking her talk, subtle and strong, and being such humble, extremely caring being, it is always an honor to spend any amount of time with her... especially going on a trip on this amazing island, where always some kind of magic happens, when you open up to it." - Maria |
Earth healing testimonials of Ingrid Margarita
"Thank you so much for the 2 day seminar of Earth Healing in September 2012. You teach in such a loving and authentic way that I think that you can make everything possible.
Really, I have seen instant healing taking place in front of my eyes in this seminar. A source of wisdom is flowing from you to the group and with humor you weave it all together. It provides trust and confidence that what you can do is also possible for us to do. It’s possible to restore the meridians in the earth just like we can correct them in the human body, as you say. With the result that; animals start to eat again, family arguments resolve, relationships heal, health problems and financial problems find a way to healthy balance and flow." - M.M., Denmark |
"I had just become a mother to a beautiful little boy, when I was diagnosed with cancer. My life turned upside down in just a few hours. The following month is a time that I really do not want to remember much of. And yet, there's a story that can constantly get me to smile: I was introduced to Ingrid Margarita and her work on earth healing. She told me about how dangerous earth rays are and how much influence they have on our lives and health. A high earth radiation can actually cause cancer!
We lived in an apartment, at the top of our homeowner. At that time, we had great disputes with homeowner's wife and my little baby had big trouble sleeping in his bed. Ingrid Margarita came home and started direction finding in my home. She found many rays and cleansed them. When she comes into my bedroom, she finds the highest earth radiation, exactly in the side of the bed where I sleep. It is so wide, so it pulls all the way and also includes baby's bed. It was hard spiritual work to get it cleansed. Remember, this is my first meeting with Ingrid Margarita, and there she is, in her green clothes, and jumping around in my bed while she hums and praying universe. I admit that at the time I thought: What the h…. am I doing? It must be said that from that day I could clearly feel the difference in the house. My baby slept suddenly fantastic in his bed and his wife downstairs treats us very nicely. And of course I have recovered!" - LL, Crete |
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