Opening the Gateway to AbundanceWeekend Workshop on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of April 2016
Saturday 3 – 10 p.m. and Sunday 10.30 a.m. to 6/7 p.m. at Orizon Center for Life and Creation How can we create a well of abundance within our life?
Abundance and wealth, quite triggering themes within our days. How can we let go of a state of concern and create a solid foundation, opening the gateway to wealth and the flow of income. Sometimes, our own consciousness as well as our subsconscious keep us from achieving the abundance in life. We must sometimes just re-learn to invite and own it. Therefore, we would like to invite you to our 2-days-workshop, in which we will show up some important energetic facts on the inside and outside of our lives that basically influence the energy field of abundance in which we are living. By selected exercises and meditations, we will tune into the energy of abundance and wealth, in order to baegin inviting and really owning the flow of income, opening the gateway for letting in abundance, wealth, and joy. For signing up to participate, please contact Ingrid-Margarita, phone 697-5253598 or email [email protected], or contact Helga, phone 697-8675407 or email [email protected] or Sabine, phone 694-2595297 or mail [email protected]. We are looking forward to seeing you soon at this interesting workshop, Blessings, Helga und Sabine ΔΡΟΜΟΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΕΥΗΜΕΡΙΑ
Σάββατο 9 Απριλίου και Κυριακή 10 Απριλίου , 2016 Σάββατο 15,00 ώρα έως περίπου 22.00 ώρα και Κυριακή 10.30 ώρα έως περίπου 18.00/19.00 ώρα Ευημερία, αισθήματα και οικονομική άνεση είναι τα ιδιαίτερα θέματα της μοντέρνας ζωής μας. Συχνά είναι οι δικές μας σκέψεις αυτές που μας χωρίζουν από την πηγή της ευημερίας. Σας προσκαλούμε από καρδιάς σε αυτό το διήμερο σεμινάριο, στο οποίο θέλουμε να σας υποδείξουμε σημαντικούς παράγοντες τόσο εξωτερικούς όσο και εσωτερικούς οι οποίοι επηρεάζουν καθοριστικά την ευημερία στην ζωή μας. Ανασκαλεύοντας το υποσυνείδητο μας και με χαλαρωτικό διαλογισμό αισθανόμαστε την πηγή της ενέργειας μας και έτσι με αυτό τον τρόπο μπορούμε να τον διοχετεύσουμε. Ο δρόμος προς την ευημερία θα είναι και πάλι ελεύθερος. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την συμμετοχή σας επικοινωνήστε παρακαλώ με την κα Ingrid Margarita, τηλ. 697-5253598 και μειλ [email protected] ή ακόμα με την Helga, τηλ. 697-8675407 και μειλ [email protected] ή την Sabine, τηλ. 694-2595297 και μειλ [email protected]. Χαιρόμαστε ιδιαίτερα που θα σας δείξουμε τον νέο δρόμο προς την δική σας ευημερία και ευτυχία . Helga Breis – Schwertl (ασχολείται με την ενέργεια- και τον διαφωτισμό, είναι συγγραφεύς βιβλίων και ζωγράφος) Sabine Schumacher (είναι σύμβουλος του φένγκ σούι, καλλιτέχνης και ασχολείται και αυτή με την ενέργεια- και τον διαφωτισμό) Wege zum Wohlstand
Samstag den 9. und Sonntag den 10. April 2016 Samstag 15.00 bis ca. 22.00 Uhr und Sonntag 10.30 bis ca. 18/19 Uhr Orizon Center for Life and Creation, Megala Chorafia, Chania Wohlstand, Fülle, Geldfluss – die Trigger-Themen unseres modernen Lebens. Oft sind es unsere eigenen Gedanken, die uns energetisch vom Quell des Wolstands abtrennen. Wir laden Euch herzlich ein zu diesem zweitägigen Seminar, in dem wir Euch wesentliche energetische Faktoren im Aussen und im Innen aufzeigen möchten, die den Wohlstand in unserem Leben massgeblich beeinflussen. Durch tiefblickende Übungen und entspannende Meditationen spüren wir uns in den Fluss der Energien ein, erkennen die in uns wirkenden Zusammenhänge und können sie dadurch transformieren. Die Wege zum Wohlstand werden wieder frei. Für weitere Informationen und Eure Anmeldung kontaktiert bitte Ingrid-Margarita, Tel. 697-5253598, Email [email protected], oder auch gerne Helga, Tel. 697-8675407, E-Mail [email protected] oder Sabine, Tel. 694-2595297, E-Mail [email protected]. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, Euch neue Wege zu Eurem Wohlstand und Glück aufzeigen zu dürfen, herzlichst Helga und Sabine |
AccommodationStay in our beautiful apartments
Enjoy a short or extended stay in the Akrimios Holiday Apartments. All rooms have a beautiful view of the sea from a large private balcony. Enjoy a romantic getaway together or bring a group to enjoy all that the area has to offer. Contact for reservation >>
Restaurant & Pool Ba rEnjoy our authentic Cretan food
Indulge your taste buds in authentic Cretan food. Not only is it delicious but it is biological food most of which is grown on the Kokotsakis Family Farm. The Cafe is open May - October. Special events with an outstanding menu are always a possibility.
Seminar roomHost Your Seminar on Crete
Orizon Center for Life & Creation is also the place where many Cretans and foreigners present their own seminars. Guests can stay in our comfortable holiday apartments and food service is available from our Akrimios Cafe & Restaurant. Package deals are flexible and can be designed to suit groups of any size.
Please call (+30) 697 414 3598
or contact us by email if you want to host your seminar at the Orizon Center for Life & Creation Check out our Gallery for pictures on our 'Introduction into Hawaiian Bodywork & Massage' seminar in May 2014.
About Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscle and move closer to the bone. Yin Yoga offers a much deeper access to the body. Postures are held for three to five minutes, even 20 minutes at a time. The time spent in these postures is much like time spent in meditation. On a basic level this is to help shift the mind from an active to a passive mode. Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of yoga practice. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. About Soundhealing For ages the power of sounds have been aknowledged in many civilisations. Everything in this Universe is connected though vibrations. You are alive because of vibrations. Everything is rythem. And everything resonates to vibrations. Sounds are the jumpstep into another dimension; the alleviation of energy blockages in the chakras as the karma you are ready to release disappears quickly and with minimal effort: all are reported benefits of sound healing with a gifted channel of this energy. |